Matthew shortlisted in the Young Achiever category of Gorey Business & Endeavour Awards

Matthew shortlisted in the Young Achiever category of Gorey Business & Endeavour Awards

Mattew was delighted to be shortlisted  in the Gorey Business & Endeavour Awards in the Young Achiever category. 

Matthew’s WheelEasyBeaches campaign is pitched against worthy competitors which include Veronica Birchall, Aaron Leonard and Muireann Fitzpatrick. May the best youth win, cast your vote to show your support.

The Gorey Business & Endeavour awards are brought by Gorey Business Network to recognise the achievements of People, Clubs, Organisations and Businesses in the Gorey Area. Check out the website here

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Councillors support Matthew’s beach accessibility campaign

Councillors support Matthew’s beach accessibility campaign

Matthew McGrath’s beach accessibility campaign made headlines again in the Gorey Guardian.

Councillors united in their support

Matthew’s campaign for wheelchair access to beaches in North Wexford received the full support of councillors at the December meeting of Gorey Kilmuckridge Municipal District. 

The Councillors praised Matthew’s work on the campaign to date including the large number of signatures he has gathered in his online petition.  Council representatives are due to meet Matthew and his team in late January to discuss a pilot project on Ballymoney beach.

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Senator Byrne raises Matthew’s wheelchair access campaign in Seanad

Senator Byrne raises Matthew’s wheelchair access campaign in Seanad

Within days of the website and petition launch, Senator Malcolm Byrne mentioned the campaign in the Seanad.

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Matthew’s wheelchair access campaign makes headlines

Matthew’s wheelchair access campaign makes headlines

Within five days of the website and petition launch, local reporter Cathy Lee approached Matthew McGrath to feature the campaign in the Gorey Guardian.

Huge number of signatures attracts media attention

The online petition received over 1,800 signatures within days of its launch. Matthew was delighted when Cathy Lee approached him to set up an interview to feature the campaign. Getting the campaign featured on the front page of the Gorey Guardian was most welcome. 

You can read the full article on the Independent website or on Press Reader via your local library.

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Gorey 25.11.2021 

A new website and petition has been launched by GCS student Matthew McGraw to campaign for wheelchair access to beaches in the North Wexford area.

How The Campaign Started

Matthew has been working on this campaign as part of his school (GCS) work placement over a six week period from October to November.  Matthew conducted extensive research on ten beaches from Castletown to Cahore with his P.A. Robert, the results of which can be seen in the Gallery here

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